Power Consumption


Device Condition Measured At Consumption
AP7900 Idle 120VAC 7W
RB2011UAS-RM Idle 120VAC 3W
912UAG-5HPnD Outdoor Idle 120VAC 2W
912UAG-5HPnD Outdoor 100% TX 120VAC 9W
Metal 5SHPn Idle 120VAC 4W
Metal 5SHPn Idle 23.6VDC 3.776W
Metal 5SHPn 100% TX 120VAC 7W
Metal 5SHPn 100% TX 23.4VDC 6.318W
airVision 2 airCam Operating 120VAC 2W

Power Budget Figures

Device Consumption Notes
AP7900 7W Steady state, not affected by load
RB2011UAS-RM 3W Very light load on this router with present network configuration
912UAG-5HPnD Outdoor 5.5W 50/50 TX/RX
Metal 5SHPn 5.5W 50/50 TX/RX
airVision 2 airCam 2W Constant draw regardless of configuration

Haystack Power Budget

Device Quantity Total Consumption
AP7900 1 7W
RB2011UAS-RM 1 3W
912UAG-5HPnD Outdoor 2 11W
Metal 5SHPn 2 11W

Total: 32W